Sorting rules and analysis

Celestial squares method:

This method is used for a theme with a large scope
-The person consulting the cards, or who is consulting you, must think of a theme while the cards are beaten.
-Then he must cut the pack. The visible card gives the general orientation of the inquiry
-8 cards are then pulled by the consulting person and placed face down as follows:
-Start by turning up the a, b, c and d cards. They give a view of the present situation and short term trends. The following 4 cards indicate medium term trends, foreseeable problems, and eventual solutions.
-The f / h diagonal gives an indication for future action.


carrés Celestes

-Each card may be covered once or twice to refine the analysis

Influence of the planets:

-Should the symbol of the same planet surround a given card, then this planet will influence positively or negatively this card
-As an illustration, if Mars is on the a and b cards, then the h card will be under the influence of Mars.
-Should one of the squares be entirely composed of the same planet symbol, then the entire card sorting will be under the planet’s influence.

Numeric method

Two dices are used as well as the numbers on the bottom right end of the card. The zero is attributed to the blue card as it has no number. Both 6 face dices are thrown. The result indicates the number of cards to be used. For instance if the dices show respectively 2 and 3, then 5 cards must be drawn. The cards are then arranged in the follow manner:
shéma numérique

-To know what card to pick, dices will be thrown twice
-The first throw is done with 2 dices and will determine the unit number. If a 10 is drawn, it will be interpreted as a zero. Likewise 11 will be counted as a 1. As for 12 it will be ignored and a new throw will take place.
-The second throw uses only one dice. The result determines the decimal figure. A 6 will be considered as a zero.

Example 1: First throwing: 5
Second throwing: 4
Card N° 45 is indicated

Example 2: First throwing: 7
Second throwing: 6
Card N° 07 is indicated


Should the throwing show a figure comprised between 53 and 59, the second throwing (decimal figure) must be renewed as the are no cards bearing these numbers.
If the throwing indicates a card which has already been used, then you should take the following card. For instance if the throwing shows card number 16 and that this card has already been used, then take card number 17.


Triangle method:

This method is indicated for simple and precise questions.
-Beat the cards, then have the game cut
-The demander must give his birth date (day and month). If he was born on December 6th, you will take the 6th and 12th card. These will be arranged on a and b position on the triangle.
-Then have him cut the game another time; the card which shows up will be put on position c

méthode triangle

Cards a and b indicate the forces in action (positive or negative) while card in c shows the general tendency.

Eltynne method :

After having beaten the deck, the demander draws 6 cards which are placed under the following pattern. The two groups, a, b, and c on one hand and d, e and f on the other, indicate the main forces.

methode Eltynne

After a first analysis a last card is drawn and put in the central position. This card will either give more details on the first analysis or a general tendency or synthesis.

For further analysis one of the cards may be covered by another draw.

Example : A person has just taken a new job and wants to know what is awaiting him. The drawing of the cards gives the follow pattern:

exemple concret

Two main forces are present: one favorable, the second much less.
The first group (a: star / man; b: enemy, c: trial) show a risk of rivalry with someone (new male colleague?) and that this person may be harmful, either by malicious gossip, or by clash on the same objectives. But if the demander is a male, the man’s star may be attributed to the demander and therefore there will be no indication of the enemy’s sex. Furthermore there is a clash between the two other cards.
The second group (d: family, e: heritage, f, support) illustrates the second major force of the game. The last card shows a support from a high position either a superior or as indicated by the family card from a relative. The heritage card indicates transmission either of helpful information or knowledge, and maybe that the superior’s job is open. But the family card may also indicate that the demander will find in his new company a favorable environment, with close relationship with his new colleagues.

Influence of the planets:

Two cards are under influence of planets.
-Family surrounded by enemy and trial cards, both of which are in the Mars series. This planet influences the family card. This may indicate that tensions tied to a rivalry may rebound on one’s close environment: family or colleagues.
- Star/ Man surrounded by support and heritage cards, both in the Jupiter series. If the card is attributed to the demander, this will indicate that he is under the protection of this planet. He will have assistance in his development: a good sign. On the other hand if this card is attributed to the rival, the hierarchy, order and justice aspects of this planet are to be considered. The enemy will be in the hierarchy but the order and justice aspects of Jupiter indicate that the rivalry will be honest and fair.
-To further investigate on the enemy or rival, it is necessary to draw a new card to cover the star/man card. Let’s say that the negotiating card is drawn. The indication is that the interested parties will be mature enough to find a solution and avoid useless conflict.
-The center card is honors. This is a good omen. It indicates that there will be accomplishment in the new job and reward in return. This may be a promotion, colleagues’ esteem, or personal accomplishment. The honor card is not final in itself, but shows success at a given stage. However this does not indicate if this success is achieved to the determent of a rival as it is a synthesis card and not one attributed to the enemy or trial cards.